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Seeking Employment Opportunities


Lonnial Robbins Philadelphia, PA

I have looking for a job for over two years. I have 8 years experience in inventory and logistics. Can any one help me cause I cannot take unemployment anymore.

5 February 2014 5 replies Career Exploration



Ellen Sears Marietta, GA


I sent you an email so please feel free to send me your resume anytime.

Thank you!



Lee Minton Sparta, NJ

Not to be tough on you, but you should clean up your material. You left out the word "been" and cause is not appropriate - the word is "because".
When employers read your pitch, mistakes like these make them move on.
Get help if you need it.


Lonnial Robbins Philadelphia, PA

I thank you two for your comments, insight, and for your help. I do have a resume posted on If you could I would appreciate the help from both of you. You contact me at ""


Jamie Doud Houston, TX

Hi Lonnial thanks for your service to our country, my father was in the USAF. I've been in Human Resources for 20+ years.

Ellen's comments above provide some good suggestions and feedback. I would also echo her suggestion concerning LinkedIn (LI), and make sure you get your profile up on LI, ASAP. This will allow you to apply for the job(s) you are interested/qualified for, and network with other professionals in your industry (LI is the top place to find jobs in my opinion). When you look for jobs on LI, see if the person posting the job is "named" on the right hand top side of the job posting. If so, click on the name, and look at their profile, sometimes they provide their email address somewhere within the body of their profile (you can then directly send them your cover letter, resume, and a short email introduction concerning the job, in addition to applying for the job in the manner they request).

You may want to google "inventory management logistics" and find a local/national chapter of these type industry groups and join and network with them as well.

Also, as a "coach/mentor" I would like to make a suggestion: in your question above you use the word "cause" I cannot take unemployment anymore. From a professional standpoint you should use "because", and not use "slang" when you are involved with any professional communication.

Additionally, you might want to share your goal(s) above in your question differently: instead of: "I cannot take unemployment anymore"; try this: "Because I feel my experience and abilities in my particular field are of high quality, I look forward to building a career and helping my future employer realize their strategic goals."

That's it, good luck with all.


Ellen Sears Marietta, GA


How have you been applying to jobs? Online, LinkedIn, networking? This really makes a huge difference. If you apply online it can easily become lost with all of the numerous resumes they received for each job posting unless you send it to a direct contact. How is your resume? Would you like for me to review it? Please let me know if you need me to critique/edit it for you. Let me know if I can be of help.

Thank you for all you have done.

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