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Understanding USAJOBS


Adam Hofmann Smithfield, VA

I have been actively pursuing work through USAJOBS for 4.5 months now and seem to get nowhere. I have attended hiring events, information sessions, and resume writing classes and have actively contacted placement program managers for the Direct Hiring Authorities I qualify for. I have completed one interview and had dozens of referral emails, but the process is painfully slow.
Does anyone have a Federal position they recently got? What advice do you have for someone who has never worked in the Federal Service, has a lot of tailored experience for hundreds of available jobs, but does not get a lot of action through applications?

I realize the Federal Service is extremely competitive. I do not want to sell myself shorty applying to lower-grade positions that I over-qualify for just to get into the system if I do not have to.

Thank you for your assistance.


11 May 2024 1 reply Career Exploration



Richard Byrne Hillsborough, NJ

Perhaps you could set up a LinkedIn profile.
You can get FREE LinkedIn premium for one year as a veteran.
Then use social networking to find jobs or get answers:
Then you can export your profile to a Resume that you can use as a starting point for a targeted resume emphasizing how your experience and training meet the employers job requirements.

I've added link to information and videos under these sections of my EE webpage:

Federal Gov Agencies information

Government job search links

Commercial job search links

Job search:

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