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Lining Up a New Career in a different state


Adam Hofmann Smithfield, VA

I am in the process of relocating from Virginia to Colorado, and I'm encountering some unique challenges in the job market there. It seems that employers prefer local candidates, and most hiring events are conducted in person, which is not ideal for me. I'm particularly interested in hearing from individuals who have experienced a similar situation, such as those who have relocated from the military or from a recent position.

Should I move to establish residency and locality so that I can speak with potential employers in person? Should I wait until I am offered a position to move?

I have been separated from the military for five years and have held government contractor positions since then. I would love to work in the Federal sector, but those waters are quite muddy too.

Thank you in advance,


11 May 2024 1 reply Career Exploration



Richard Byrne Hillsborough, NJ

I've added links to information and videos under this section of my EE webpage that might be helpful:
Examine to see job titles, pay and number of positions:

Use keywords to do job searches. Government Job searches Commercial Job searches

For each job, create a version of your resume that highlights how your education, training and experience meets the employers requirements.

Job search:

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