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How do I start a non-profit company?


Raul Ilizaliturri Huntington Beach, CA

I am trying to find out how I can start a non-profit to help other Veterans with disability and GI Bill issues.

10 February 2015 2 replies Small Business



Mike Esqueda Chicago, IL


I would highly recommend you check out The Bunkers website. They have been doing a lot of great work with Veterans and start up company's spefically digital start ups.I think it would be a great resource for networking with individuals who could help you from start to finish.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Office- 847-605-6136


Brian Richardson Columbus, IN

Hi Raul,
Kudos to you for looking into this! Just for a little background, what details can you share that are leaning you toward a non-profit vs a for-profit venture?

Here are some questions you might want to answer before going too far.

- Do you have anyone willing to be on your non-profit board?
- Have you looked into your competition? Even if there are other non-profits out there doing a similar thing, it could be competition for your business.
- How will you get money for your non-profit?
- Do you have grant writing experience?
- What techniques or abilities do you have to help vets in that arena?

These are just questions to get the ball rolling. It's encouraging to see start-ups like yours. Feel free to reach out to me thru my site below.

Brian Richardson

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