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How can a private employee owned C-corp from day one succeed?


Jeffrey Semin Miramar , FL

Idea: Build employee owned C-corp an incubator for employee owned businesses that functions as a legal umbrella as well as a government corporate handout funnel.

COVID proved local government can crush local business at will; where big box stores with in house lawyers or counsel are not bothered at all. Thus the go big or go home - if you still have one.

This would be a financial services business? Or business incubator? Humanitarian non-profit? Internet online and fiber/satellite company? A 1990s SAIC where govt contracts are bid by teams of employees with a strong desire for success rather than draining the contract and asking for more money. Yes to all. How to fund? Membership works if low and steady with quality service. Also limits leaching through self-policing -an AI job with clear rules.

So many issues, ideally it would have every 4 hours or less around the planet a learning center to educate future employees if they chose to stay. Internet would be provided, education would be free, greenhouse automaton technology, water purification, and housing would be focuses. Science and technology would be taught as practical tools to be applied by all.

Please enjoy the pipe dream.

26 August 2022 2 replies Military to Civilian Transition



Jerry Welsh Middleville, MI

Most local communities has a local chamber of commerce and in the bigger cities you have SCORE. This provides entrepreneurs with assistance in the creating a new business, writing a business plan and actually working with the SBA. I am by no means an expert on starting a business, but the Chamber has been around for ever and is in place for business assistance. The SBA has programs for veterans, and the chamber will have the local SBA rep. SCORE is retired business execs who assist people interested in a start up. Bottom line check this out, they many not answer the specifics of your business per se, but have the expertise with people starting businesses every day. Good luck and thanks for your service.


Richard Byrne Hillsborough, NJ

Log onto the ACP webpage,
click on the ACP Advisornet tab, & select the "Community" icon.
Under the "Advisors" tab, select "Small Business" from the "Refine by" pull down box.
(Other selections include: Financial Services, General Business,Legal ... ),
Look for the "Show More" box at the bottom of the page.
Examine the advisor profiles, & use the ACP message feature for advice

I've added links to information & videos under these sections of my EE webpage that might be useful: -veteran owned small busuness - small bus. admin.

You have the dream, the next step is to come up with a general plan, do research, then refine your plan into a detailed business plan. Here are some of the elements :

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