For context, I have close to ten years of experience in Program/Project Management. I also have multiple Certs and hold an MBA. I am a year and a half out from separation and I am looking for a Mid-Level career in Program/Project Management. Please see my LinkedIn
for background:
For my first question I would like to know am I following the industry by getting into Data Analytics using "R" and "Python" amongst others?
What else should I focus on learning to become marketable to reach that 90k+ salary starting off?
Hello Dwayne.
Your credentials are in good shape. There is very little chance you will have to do any Python programming in any PM position (though Python is a great language to know).
The only suggestion I would have would be to make sure your resume has been 'civilianized'!
Thanks for your service and good luck!
Alternately, you could select the community tab from the ACP Advisor net webpage.
Then select the Advisors tab.
Select "General Business" or maybe "Project Management" from the "Refine By" pull down box.
Select an advisor, & message them with your inquiries.
Your experience looks solid to me. I would add Tableau to your list. R does the statistical core; Python enables one to customize R and add "glue" code for interfaces. Tableau offers excellent data visualization (graphical presentation) and is pretty easy to learn. As a PM, you would generally not be expected to have expertise in these areas, but competence will make you an overall better asset.
One of my previous ACP protégés, became a PM for my old company - Northrop Grumman, and seems to be doing quite well.
I've added links to information & videos to my EE webpage under these sections that might be helpful: - see popularity of languages - page down to skill bridge - FREE 1 yr. LinkedIn premium - Project Man. - Commercial Job search links - Gov. jobs
Search for the job you want, examine job listing's requirements, update skills with training & certificates, hopefully under skill bridge.
Commercial Job search, PM, your location, 197 jobs:
Fed. Gov. search, your location 258 jobs
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