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Open Questions

Questions with three or fewer answers. Add your answer!


Oscar Blanco Alexandria, VA

Looking for a Data Analytics/Scientist

Is someone mentoring in the field of data analytics? Thanks!

3 years ago Mentoring 3 answers


Amanda Duplessis Denton, TX

Do you all provide prep courses by any chance for the NCTRC?

That’s the exam for the National Council of Therapeutic Recreation Certification board.

3 years ago Education & Training 1 answer


Jose Rodriguez San Antonio, TX

Does anyone have any suggestions on specific contacts I should be networking with within the Texas Supply Chain/Logistics ecosystem?

Actively seeking opportunities in Logistics/Supply Chain Management in Texas. Specifically San Antonio, Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, and Houston areas. I am also open to...

3 years ago Military to Civilian Transition 3 answers


Derrick Long Atlanta, GA

Can anyone connect me with an executive in the Security Management field (Physical/Information/Cyber)?

I am looking for a security management/director position in the Atlanta metro area.

3 years ago Career Exploration 1 answer


Adam Perrotta Las Vegas, NV

Is there anyone working in life sciences living in the Las Vegas area?

I would be interested in doing an informational interview. I have a BS and MS in the life sciences but no recent experience in the...

3 years ago Career Advancement 2 answers


Chris Wilkerson Oklahoma City, OK

What is the best way to find overseas contracting jobs

I'm an Air Force veteran with 8 years of Adminstrative and Postal experience . I'm looking to find companys that are hiring for jobs in the desert...

3 years ago Career Exploration 0 answers


Paul Palmer Lenoir, NC

How do I approach banks about buying properties in bulk?

I'd like to further my real estate investing endeavors by approaching banks to purchase bulk REO's but I'm not sure who or how to approach...

3 years ago Networking 2 answers


Christopher Lee Oxnard, CA

Is anyone familiar with Seattle area jobs & just the general atmosphere over there?

Hello! I've been looking to break into the private sector for a while now, but as everyone unfortunately knows there's been hiring freezes going around...

3 years ago Networking 3 answers


Dylan Broussard Silverdale, WA


Assuming a prior enlisted servicemember is accepted into a target school (H/P/W), are there any PE/VC/HF analyst roles that look favorably...

3 years ago Career Advancement 2 answers


Renardo Surles Jonesboro, GA

What advice do you have for some one seeking part time work I would like to try getting a part time job at a fast food restaurant

I worked at 5 different fast food restaurants in the past

3 years ago General 2 answers

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