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Does anyone know a Verizon employee in NJ/NY?


Gregory Summers Watchung, NJ

I am trying to network with Verizon employees in New Jersey and New York. I'm working on a potentially career changing project for work and I could use some basic help from a management level or higher Verizon employee. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

1 July 2014 4 replies Networking



Chris Norton Hightstown, NJ

Gregory-Hit up Evan Guzman. He's probably on ACP, but is

1 July 2014 Helpful answer


Tom Cal, CFA San Francisco, CA

*Try both the ACPAdvisorNet community and the Veteran Mentor Network on LinkedIn.

Veteran Mentor Network!

ACPAdvisorNet community

* Also consider reaching out to a member of the ACP staff for direct assistance with your request.

1 July 2014 Helpful answer


Benjamin Lowe Short Hills, NJ

I currently work at Verizon in Basking Ridge, NJ as an Associate Director in supply chain intelligence. Any particular area you were interested in?


Gregory Summers Watchung, NJ

Chris and Tom,

Thank you. I never realized how useful the advanced search on LinkedIN was.

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